ベンチャーキャピタル ANRI株式会社の創立10周年を記念する特設サイトデザインを担当させて頂きました。ANRI株式会社は「未来を創ろう、圧倒的な未来を」というビジョンのもと、主に創業期の企業への投資、支援を行うベンチャーキャピタルです。
We designed a special website to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of ANRI, a venture capital firm that invests in and supports start-up companies under the vision "Let's create the future, overwhelming future.
This special website features a variety of contents, including a 10-year history of ANRI, infographics of investment results, messages from the entrepreneurs in which ANRI has invested, and special dialogue articles with investors.
The design of the special site is based on the same simple color scheme as the corporate site, but with 3D animations, decorations, and detailed scrolling gimmicks to add a sense of fun.